How to Manage Turnaways in EBSCO eBook Manager


Turnaways can be a useful metric to assess an “unmet need” of your library's e-book collection. Watch EBSCO Agile Product Owner Jeanne Sanviti-Masher review the Turnaway Workflows available in EBSCO eBook Manager.

This Video Demonstrates:

  • How to quickly identify EBSCO eBook titles with turnaways 
  • How to sort, search, and facet your collection to refine book lists and identify turnaways
  • How to configure Settings for optimal end-user experience
  • How to setup Turnaway Alert email notifications and utilize email details to make informed decisions

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How to Manage Turnaways in EBSCO eBook Manager

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Hello. In this session, I'll provide some tips on how to view and manage turnaways within eBook Manager. I'm Jeanne Sanviti-Masher, senior product owner for EBSCO eBooks.

As a refresher, eBook Manager is a workflow management solution within EBSCOhost Collection Manager (ECM.) It gives you control over your library's e-book collection in a single feature-rich interface.

Turnaways indicate high demand titles. When an end user such as a patron or student tries to access an e-book in your catalog, but all the available licenses are currently in use, a message displays and the resulting turnaway is logged in our system. Gaining insight into turnaways can help you manage settings and purchasing decisions for these popular e-book titles.

When you first launch eBook Manager, all your EBSCO eBooks load into the result list. Nothing is sorted or filtered. The turnaways column indicates the number of turnaways for each title and sorting the list by turnaways descending orders the titles from the highest count to the lowest. You can search or facet on your full collection to refine your title list. Use the search box to filter on bibliographic information like title, ISBN, subject or keyword. The relevant titles will display in the result list along with their associated turnaway counts.

An alternative to the search box are eBook Manager facets set off by the arrows here on the left. They let you find titles by criteria that’s specific to your account. For example, the access model facet allows you to filter on limited models that can incur turnaways like one book, one user, and one book, three users. The turn away period facet is excellent for finding turnaways that occurred within a specific time period or date range. Basically, any action in eBook Manager that generates a result list will include the turnaway count, whether it's zero or a positive integer.

Now let's look at settings and download durations to help manage turnaways. I'm using an internal test customer and have my general collection level download setting selected as true with a download duration of 21 days. At the model level, I've set shorter download durations for 1B1U and 1B3U at five days and ten days respectively. These shorter durations will free up the e-book licenses under these limited models, while allowing UU and subscription titles, which don't incur turnaways, the benefit of longer checkout periods. You can customize these settings to suit your library's needs and the changes you make are immediate.

You may disable downloads at the model level. This forces the titles within that model to only be viewed online. But preventing downloads for a whole population of titles isn't always desirable, so we offer a nuanced solution which are title level settings. Title level settings override your general and model level settings. For titles that would benefit from having their own specific settings, simply select 'Edit download settings', which brings up the edit settings modal and from here you can apply the setting that's best for the title. A nice option is to reserve one copy for online use, leaving additional licenses of the title available for download. Title level settings can be changed at any time or removed by clicking this checkbox.

Now let's look at turnaway alerts and ways they can help manage your collection. If you would like email notifications about turnaways in your collection as they happen, within eBook Manager you have the flexibility to receive real time turnaway alerts, a daily summary or both for as many as seven email addresses. We've made it easy to add and remove email addresses and the changes are instantaneous. It's worth noting that when the 'disable all turnaway alerts' box is checked, alerts are disabled for all recipients. To get an idea of just how quick and easy these changes are, truly those are instantaneous. Adding an email is very quick and deleting an email also very quick.

Let's take a look at the actual emails. Real time turnaway emails are generated every time a turnaway occurs. Each one is specific to a single turnaway instance and includes helpful details such as bibliographic information, publisher level info about access models and restrictions, and the access models currently held by your institution. The emails can help you make quick, easy decisions for configuring settings and alerts, and they include direct links to ordering platforms for upgrades and additional copies. The daily summary email includes the same detailed information within the body message for up to three titles, daily tallies, links to ordering channels, plus an attached CSV file with all the titles that incurred turnaways within the last 24 hours.

One last feature I'd like to share is the ability to disable alerts at the title level. Let's say there's a popular title that's no longer for sale by the publisher. It generates a lot of turnaways, but because you can't take action to purchase or upgrade it, you want to suppress the emails coming to your inbox. Disabling title alerts prevents the real time turnaway emails from being delivered for that specific title.

I hope this session on managing turnaways is was helpful. Book Manager is chock full of features to enhance your library workflows. For more information and links to additional videos in the series, please reach out to your EBSCO rep or search the web for EBSCO eBook Manager. Thanks for watching.

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