Business Source Corporate Plus from EBSCO


Business Source Corporate Plus is an ideal tool for employees conducting research on corporations and business topics ranging from company profiles and SWOT analyses to market and industry reports.

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Business Source Corporate Plus from EBSCO

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Are your employees missing something?

Do they need a customizable resource to help them prepare reports, gather industry insights, conduct product comparisons and look up company histories?

With Business Source Corporate Plus they can do all that and more.

It puts the most curated full-text business information at their fingertips.

Employees will access leading business magazines including Harvard Business Review plus journals and trade publications from top publishers. And, same-day currency is available for top newspapers.

The Company View feature offers information on more than one million companies.  

Additional information provided for research includes SWOT analyses, market and industry reports, books and journals.

The unique Current News View delivers critical news content updated throughout the day from the Associated Press, CNBC, CNN, NPR, Reuters and BusinessWire.

Don’t let your employees miss out on a great research tool. Request a free trial today.

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.