LGBTQ+ Source
LGBTQ+ Source is the definitive database for LGBTQ+ studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines, newspapers and videos. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
A Valuable Full-Text Database for LGBTQ+ Studies
As the full-text companion to the LGBTQ+ Life index, LGBTQ+ Source includes full text for many top LGBTQ+ publications. The active, full-text, non-open access journal retail value (USD) is $44,608.15.
First-Person Narrative Videos
A collection of 200 videos from the nonprofit organization I’m From Driftwood provides first-person accounts from those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.
Sharing stories to increase empathy, understanding, and acceptance while creating a sense of belonging and community is at the core of the videos and the mission of I’m From Driftwood.
Additional Videos
New videos including TED Talks and content from leading information providers were recently added to LGBTQ+ Source with more coming in spring 2024. Topics covered include gender identity, gender equity and other important LGBTQ+ subjects.
Expanded Thesaurus
LGBTQ+ Source also includes an LGBTQ+ thesaurus of nearly 9,500 terms.
Strengthen Exposure to Open Access Journals
LGBTQ+ Source includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 48 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking.
NOTE: EBSCOhost databases and EBSCO Discovery Service generate a lot more referrals for DOAJ than any other online platform.
Unique Full-Text Journals
LGBTQ+ Source includes 95 active full-text journals not available in any version of Academic Search.
Searchable Cited References
LGBTQ+ Source includes 47 journals with searchable cited references.
The Highest Quality Subject Indexing
EBSCO has the premier and most highly regarded scholarly vocabularies curated by subject matter experts, covering all disciplines and major publishers.
EBSCO believes in breaking down barriers to information through Enhanced Subject Precision (ESP) mapping, bridging the gap between content and end users through inclusion of natural languages.
EBSCO databases support all learning types through textual and visual subject browse and information literacy training through subject access points in more than 30 languages. Watch video to learn more.
In addition to indexed and abstracted journals, LGBTQ+ Source includes 417 indexed and abstracted books and reference works.
There is so much more to LGBT history and scholarship than just reviewed articles or essays, and [this database] meets the challenge to be as inclusive as possible.
— Charleston Advisor