DynaMed Decisions Statement on Algorithm Transparency

With the increased societal uptake and influence of artificial intelligence (AI), transparency in algorithms has received increased attention. This aligns well with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) HTI-1 final rule, which establishes transparency requirements surrounding use of AI and other predictive algorithms.

DynaMed Decisions also considers transparency to be of utmost importance. Any use of artificial intelligence will be clearly labeled. Currently, DynaMed Decisions utilizes only predictive models that have been published in peer-reviewed literature and does not use AI in any of its tooling. Moreover, any predictive model used in a DynaMed Decisions tool is not only referenced in the references section, but also clearly indicated both in the frontmatter of the tool and in the “Assessment” portion of the tool where the results of the predictive model are displayed.

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