Want to engage your readers -- wherever they are? Need tools to explore the depths of your collection, and to offer that almost-forgotten book to the reader who will love it? Hear about how the Reader Services Department of New York Public Library makes use of readers’ advisory-focused metadata to discover books in exciting new ways, with a few behind-the-scenes stories about the supporting work performed by librarians at NoveList.

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Lynn Lobash is the manager of Readers Services at New York Public Library. She spends her days recommending books to all kinds of readers. She earned her MLIS from Rutgers University in 1999 and has been with the library for 14 years. When she is not reading and recommending books, she is watching her children do something amazing (look mom!) or petting her needy cats.

Victoria Caplinger leads the team of librarians in NoveList’s Book Discovery department, which creates readers’ advisory content in many forms. After finishing a four-year tour of duty on ALA’s Notable Books Council, she is now indulging heavily in genre reading, dividing her time between science fiction and horror, with the odd multi-volume fantasy series thrown in for good measure. Petting needy cats goes without saying.

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