Some of you have asked to see more than 10 templates in each part of the homepage, and I’m happy to announce that you can now see more content on the homepage with less scrolling. Each section of the homepage will feature up to 50 templates or items you’ve created in a single row, and you can click on the arrows to the right and left of the cards to page through them all. Indicators at the bottom of each section will let you know how much content you can click through.

 Please let me know what you think. I’m grateful every time someone sends us feedback about LibraryAware, whether it’s a glowing review or constructive criticism. We’ve heard from quite a few of you about the homepage since it launched in March. When I see a note that says the homepage provided inspiration for a book display when you really needed some, or helped you create a Summer Reading event flyer faster than before, I’m thrilled. That’s what we were going for. You can reach out anytime via LibraryAware chat or via email at

Jenny Schafer is a Product Manager for NoveList.