Here at NoveList, we love to learn. Professional development is satisfying because it adds to the expertise you can provide. When you learn new or better ways to do your library work, you do a better job of connecting with your community and providing them with the services, collection items, and events they want and need. Also, well-trained employees work better as a team, are more productive, and are more satisfied with their work. It’s an investment that pays off

If your library is going to stay competitive and creative, your staff needs to be continual learners. And that can be difficult, especially for small libraries. The first obstacle is time. We're all so busy that it's difficult to set aside the time to take an online or in-person course. The second is budget. There are many libraries that don't have a big budget for professional development. 

The staff at NoveList understands. Most of us have worked in libraries in our careers. And we created our training options with the benefits and obstacles of library professional development in mind. 

Training on NoveList products 

Having the tools you need to provide quality library service is only the first step. Using NoveList products helps library staff save time and makes their jobs easier while providing patrons with standout collections and readers’ advisory services. And that’s Caleigh Howarth’s focus when creating product training sessions. 

“I think of situations from my work in libraries and those I’ve heard about from library staff – how would I use the product for a successful outcome? So, the training is always relevant, and attendees can immediately put what they learn into practice at their libraries.” 

We offer live online training sessions for NoveList Plus, Core Collections, NoveList Select, and LibraryAware. Whether you are new to the products or are just looking for a refresher, these sessions are for you. Be sure to check out the calendar of live trainings and register for a session or watch a recording

Training that builds skills and confidence 

Learn with NoveList courses are designed with libraries in mind. There are interactive activities and lots of resources and encouragement to help staff put what they learn into practice. You can learn new ways to reach readers, promote your library, navigate genres, or make an impact. 

And the best part is that Learn with NoveList has flexible learning styles, including self-paced or in-depth live courses. You can choose the best format for you or your staff, depending on the amount of time you can dedicate to professional development. We can even send a trainer to your library for staff development days.

Your staff is your library’s most valuable resource, and ongoing professional development keeps their skills sharp and relevant. We can help build the confidence and capacity they need to represent your library more effectively to readers, whether it’s at the desk, in the stacks, or through book displays, newsletters, and social media.

Caleigh Haworth is an Engagement Consultant at NoveList. She is currently reading The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill.