Yesterday, on Halloween, the Horror Writer Association announced the 2024 Summer Scares Reading Program. 2024 marks the program's fifth year, which gives librarians and readers a list of recommended horror books for adult, teen, and middle-grade audiences. The 2024 program marks the introduction of NoveList as an official sponsor.  

NoveList is proud to partner with Summer Scares to help support the goal of connecting horror readers of all ages to outstanding books. Danielle Borasky, Vice President of NoveList, summed it up nicely with her quote in the official press release

"The dedication of the Summer Scares program to connecting readers of all ages with horror aligns with our passion for matching every reader with their next book. Our team includes devoted genre readers, including die-hard horror fans, so we understand the importance of genre fiction. We're thrilled to support a program that highlights how enriching horror can be for readers.”     

Since 2021, we've collaborated with the Horror Writers Association and the Summer Scares program by creating Summer Scares Recommended Reads book lists that feature each year's title selections and read-alikes for each title, as well as writing blog posts promoting the program, helping with narrowing down read-alikes for the programming guide, and sponsoring Librarian's Day at StokerCon, which features a Summer Scares panel.  

I've been lucky to be closely involved with this work at NoveList. As a lifelong fan of horror books and movies, I've always appreciated the variety of stories within the genre, and you can usually find me looking for my next favorite scare. This year, along with continuing the work I've been a part of since 2021, I am also joining the Summer Scares selection committee. The committee, consisting of six library workers and that year's spokesperson, works together to narrow down a sea of fantastic options to three recommended titles for each reading level.  

Clay McLeod Chapman, author of terrifying novels such as Ghost Eaters and What Kind of Mother? is the 2024 spokesperson. Chapman has built a name for himself as a gifted writer of disturbing, atmospheric horror stories that add supernatural elements to experiences rooted in emotions like guilt and grief. He is also a vocal supporter of his fellow horror writers.  

The 2024 program is just beginning, so keep an eye out for more updates, including the announcement of the final selections in February 2024, new Summer Scares book lists in NoveList, and the release of the 2024 Programming Guide! 

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Yaika Sabat is the Manager of Reader Services at NoveList and a fan of all things scary. She's currently reading Jackal by Erin E. Adams.