We recently rolled out the Core Collections Complete interface, formerly available only to a subset of subscribers, to ALL Core Collections customers. So whether you subscribe to all the databases or just one, the interface is here to start your Core Collections experience off right. Let’s take a tour!

The Recent Additions carousel up top displays the covers of books that have recently been added to any of the Collections you subscribe to. Click on any of them to be taken to the book’s individual record for more information.

Over in the sidebar, Browse by Category offers ways of perusing by award winners, recommendation levels, and more, while the Reference Shelf offers helpful resources and background.

And in the central feature areas, we spotlight different Core Collections metadata and search strategies, helping you to find the best books for your collection.

Questions about the “new” interface or how to access it? If you’re a current Core Collections customer, email us at novelist@ebsco.com and we’ll make sure you get access.

Want to know more about Core Collections? Learn more here.  

Kendal Spires is a Collection Development Librarian at NoveList. She is currently reading Wilder Girls by Rory Power.